

n  A viral growth 
n  Caused  by direct contact if skin is compromised (locker rooms, swimming pools, karate classes) 
n  May be painful upon standing and with side-to-side compression 
n  Capillary buds may exist within the lesion, resulting in a “salt and pepper” appearance 
n  If on bottom or “plantar” surface of the foot, it is a “plantar” wart and may develop a callus 
      on top of the wart, making  it more difficult to remove 

 foot wart

  Treatment for Warts    

n  Self-management should not be attempted 
n  Many DPM treatment options are available 
n  Warts may sometimes resolve on their own 
n  Acids and blistering agents 
n  Drying agents (Formalin) 
n  Freezing (  cryocautery  ) 
n  Electrocautery 
n  Surgical excision 
n  Warts are traditionally difficult to eradicate; persistence is important